Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Black Hills of South Dakota

We have been in Custer, South Dakota since Sunday and its been great. The weather has been in the mid 80s with an amazing breeze with cloudless blue skies (look at the pics!). Unfortunately, our nights get down to low 50s as soon as the sun goes down, therefore we need to invest in another blanket!

The campground is nice, with alot of people from everywhere but here. We even have a group of polygamists who speed walk daily and think that they are bringing bonnets back in style... I'm tempted because the floral pattern is catchy, but Marc wont allow it. Cohen has been deemed 'furocious' by everyone and we have noone within 5 campsites around us. He has scared all children back to their parents. Since we have been here, we have only seen one dog his size, a really fat yellow lab. Apparently, small dogs are the new trend, because everyone has them. Cohen still has not realized they are not stuffed animals yet. He has also learned to enjoy peeing on a new plant species: the Ponderosa Pine. He now owns Custer, South Dakota. Mt. Rushmore was a amazing, we got up close and personal with the presidents and got to see the behind the scene from the sculpting. Through the park we were engaged in a battle of seniors riding their Rascals, but we managed to meneuver around them by an ingenious strategy: the stairs.

Crazyhorse monument is definetly 'in the making'. Their website said we could bring dogs into the park, but when we got to the doors they said you had to carry the dog! We contemplated the situation, but decided against carrying 73 lbs around. Inside there was quite a bit of Indian history, and Cohen barked at the horse statue outside.

The most exciting part of Custer has been the State Park, however. It has scenic drives that put the kangamangus to shame!! At one part, we were crossing a bridge and started critizing some people for walking their donkeys, only to find out they were wild burros blocking the road! They started sticking their heads in the windows that Marc refused to close! They were fat, mangy things, but were fun. We then did a wildlife loop through the park and saw pronghorns, elk, more burros and buffalo. The drive had crazy hairpin turns and rock tunnels we had to drive through. We both received our first one arm sunburns after driving all day.
We head to Wyoming tomorrow, supposed to be some more nice weather. I plan to switch my seat in the car so I can work on my "tan"... one arm at a time.

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