No, Ladies and Gentlemen, your eyes are not deceiving you. This is an Amish horse and buggy that you are looking at. One of our pit stops ended up being the Amish Store, where we got gas and Marc cured his chocolate craving with homemade Amish chocolate candies, and we happened to run into this vehicle on the way off the exit!!
After leaving Chicago on our day 4, we drove through Wisconsin, which was quite boring and onto Minnesota, which we have now dubbed the 'windmill state'. Marc has always had a problem with ugly powerlines and now we have found the solution: gigantic windmills all over the feilds.
The state was covered with them and spread out for miles and miles. We googled them to find out what they were for and came up with a bunch of hate sites for them.
After this we entered South Dakota, newly dubbed, 'the billboard state' and this is where our luck, which we never had in the first place, got bad. We stayed in Sioux Falls at our first KOA campground. Although we set up camp in a record time of 15 minutes, we were conveniently placed between the children's playground and pool, two WT families who put my WT bingo board to shame, and 3 tents full of Jehovah Witnesses. For those who know us, enough said!!
We woke up this morning to the JWs packing up at 5am and rain dripping into our tent! The rain soon began to dump in buckets and we had to throw our tent in a trash bag and pack up as soon as possible!! It was then when I spoke the words: 'Marc, I want to go home'.
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