Niagara Falls is officially to blame for the downward spiral of Cohen's self confidence. Unlike NH, where he is stopped every five minutes to be pet, where he responds by licking back all visitors, every shape and size, in NY he is ignored, shunned and even ran away from. I understand the diversity that we do not experience in our every day life in NH, but do these cultural diverse people really think a small black dog as the devil? People looked away, ran away, mothers threw themselves in front of their children to act as a sheild. Cohen looked up at every group of people, wagging his tail, expecting to greet them and was unfortunately let down each time. I suppose this is what eventually led him to act as a 'baby eater' when he attempted to bark in the face of the small muslim child being pushed in her stroller... she had a towel on her head, he didnt know any better! We did, however, meet a very friendly southern hippy lesbian couple, who took multiple pictures of Cohen, like he was their own. Very strange.
Ranting aside, Niagara Falls was beautiful... wet, but quite a site! And although we were the only ones there with a dog at our side, it worked well for us. We got to see everything, without going on any of the overpriced attractions for only $10!! And although it was raining, we got some great pictures.
As you can see, their safety railing was not doing it's job when Marc leaned on it and it came apart!! You would think that of all things in this particular state parks, the railings would be up to par!
From there, we went to visit Old Fort Niagara, where we explored the old buildings and bunkers. Unfortunately, because of the rain, there were not many visitors, so all of the actors were in uniform, but didnt stop to talk to us, and were working instead. It took alot for Marc to not yell at them to get into character because he was a paying customer! But from the cannons aimed at Canada to the amazing view of Lake Ontario, it was worth walking around with Marc doing the commentary from the brochure we snagged.
Thankfully, tonight is our final night in NY. Niagara Falls is not the town I expected. It seems very rundown and although we are staying on 'the strip', we still have to drive about 15 minutes to get to a decent place to eat. We actually walked into a 'steak restaurant' tonight, only to walk quickly out when we found it was a 'fast food steak restaurant' with steak value meals! We are ready to say goodbye to the surplus of powerlines, the endless stop lights and the bizarre looking people in pajama pants at the bus stops.
Off to Chicago tomorrow!!
poor cohen!! he is loved and missed here in NH. like i said im an official resident now with plates and all...very surreal! anyways have a safe drive! if you get to eat anywhere in chicago go to minnies...they make minature food like grilled cheese and burgers. marc will probably need like 40 to be satisfied but its cute! talk soon!