Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Longest Drive Ever

Today, we set out for for West Yellowstone and a drive across the top of Wyoming. It took forever. The eastern part of Wyoming is scrubland and hills and cows. It also has an abundance of railroad tracks and untill we got back on Interstate 90 it felt like we might see someone shooting a western movie at any time.

What we have discovered is that the car is a bug killing machine and is helping erica wage war against all bugs. By the end of the day we devolop a nice coating of bug spots all over the front, hood, windshield, cargo box and mirrors. So if you are an Entomologist and are looking for some slightly used subjects, we have collected quite a few.

Halfway through Wyoming we hit Bighorn National Forest and took a step switchback road with amazing views of the valley below.

After another drive across rolling cattle grazing land we made it into Cody and through a tunnel to Buffalo Bill state park and the dam.

Then it was into the East enterance of Yellowstone and a two and a half hour through the park after already driving 10 hours and the constant swearing at the packed roads and the 45 mph speed limit. If you did not know yellowstone lake is big and when you are trying to beat the sunset to go set up a tent the lake magicly expands. Also who does road construction in a national park during the summer. Not helpful. There is also the issue of what to do at the enterance of national parks, for some reason people seem surprized that they have to pay and then take the rest of the day tring to reach under the rear seat and find change so they can pay in pennies. The park rangers seem to take this in stride becasue the longer their line the more they laugh on the inside at us for them having to wear a gigantic hat to work everyday.

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