Yellowstone Park is like a big zoo that you drive through and the passenger stays on the lookout for animals in the wild. But this big zoo has a great view, lots of snow at the top, and I'm pretty sure you dont get your money back at the end if you dont see any animals. Personally, from the passenger standpoint, I would prefer the zoo. At least at the zoo, the bathrooms are handy and it is alot less work to walk to the next exibit than to scan the forest for hours upon end looking for a moving creature. It is a few days later, and I could be driving through New York City right now and I would still be scanning my surroundings from the car looking for a moving ball of a fur that could potentially be a bear!
We did end up seeing a bunch of animals though. We caught the tail end of a grizzly bear and a black bear cub. We also saw a mother black bear and her two cubs, but the pictures were not that good. We saw buffalo galore and then read about a spanish woman being 'gored' by a buffalo the previous morning in the park. We saw a fox, a coyote, a bald eagle and elk and a whole bunch of deer.
We have discovered that the brakes on the car work quite well as it is custom for people to just stop in the middle of the road, they like to do this if possible in the middle of corners or when there is no room to go around them. The park has some great views and lots of geyser activity, which just leads me to belive that the giant volcano under the park will explode sometime soon, so with that in mind we are heading to Jackson.
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